day dreams

NaturalDayLaunchFor the past two years my husband and daughter have been working hard to develop a new, all natural toothpaste that is not only effective but is safe for the whole family. They started out with an idea and now that idea has become a reality as they launch their new company and it’s very first product, Mellow Mint Toothpaste! They have just begun advertising and getting into retail stores but if you’re interested in an earth, animal, and people friendly toothpaste go like their Facebook page now and then better yet, check out their website and try a tube! I am one proud mama and wife, way to go Doug and Lizzi!

“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” ~Walt Disney

See more (nearly) Wordless Wednesday here.


Lucky me and Mr. bookbabie got iPhones just before the holidays, kind of a pre-Christmas gift to ourselves. We’ve been enjoying the ease of texting with them and all the apps, I actually rarely use mine for phone calls! I recently joined Instagram, a free photo sharing application that is basically Twitter for pictures. I’m having a lot of fun with it, taking iPhone photos, editing them with various apps, and then sharing them on the public feed. It gives you something to do with your cell phone photos, aside from forcing your friends to look at them of course, and it’s kind of like making miniature art (or so I tell myself to rationalize the time I spend playing with it!). Hope you all survived the hubbub of the holidays, we still have a naked tree in our family room, otherwise I’ve got most of Christmas put away and when I’m not on Instagram I’m on the computer looking for someplace warm and sunny to escape to:)

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.  ~Henry David Thoreau

friday fun

Okay, its kind of been serious around here lately, time to lighten things up! The New York Zoos and Aquarium has a fun website for kids and silly adults where you can build your own wild self. That’s me above, I have antennae so I can get me a better sense of what makes people tick, sticky froggy arms so I can hang on to the people and things I love, Tiger feet so I can stand strong and have more courage, and butterfly wings so I can fly away just in case all those other magic parts don’t work! Go build your own beautiful wild selves here! And then check out other Illustration Friday “vanity” entrants here…have a great weekend everyone:)

friday fun

I haven’t posted any generators for a while and since life can’t be all whine and no play, here’s a few online image gadgets for you to check out. The MP Change website is really wild (Clooney in the afro). You upload a photo (simple straight on portraits work best) and it animates it and then you can add wigs, hats, and facial hair. Unfortunately, you can’t save the actual moving picture, but it’s still a lot of fun! Just click on the pics and go make your own:)

friday fill-in

friday fill in

I’m participating in a new (for me) Friday blog meme today, Friday Fill-ins. Blog memes are fun because as well as giving you inspiration for posts, you also get to meet other bloggers who are playing along. So this one is pretty self explanatory. The host gives you a list of blanks and you fill them in, so here I go…

1. It’s cold and…rainy this week and my newly planted flowers are loving it!

2. Every summer I look forward to sliced mozzarella cheese layered with garden fresh…tomatoes.

3. My favorite health and beauty product is…the next magic (overpriced) facial lotion I will try that is supposed to erase wrinkles and roll back the clock!

4. I love grabbing my camera and my hubby and going for…a nice long ride.

5. Well, first of all…if you’ve never even watched Dancing with the Stars you shouldn’t knock it!

6. Bob Saget, my husband, a huge mansion on the beach;…those were the cast of characters in a recent dream and it was…life altering.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to chillin’ with Doug, tomorrow my plans include…a wedding shower, dinner with friends, then watching the Wings beat the Penguins and Sunday, I want to…watch the Wings do it again!

wordless wednesday

People have been drawing on walls since ancient times and today many graffiti artists have crossed over into making a living off their art. Keith Haring was a famous artist who began his career drawing on advertising boards in the subway. His foundation has a fun website for kids (of all ages!) where you can play games (like Hangman) or draw your own graffiti. Sticking with the Detroit theme I have going, this week’s WW photo is of some cool graffiti on a wall downtown. See other Wordless Wednesday participants here.

Illustration Friday:Contagious

This weeks Illustration Friday topic is Contagious. With the whole Swine Flu epidemic in the news so much this past month I couldn’t help but wonder how George was dealing with it. As you can see, he is somewhat concerned. And who can blame him, with his busy schedule he doesn’t have time to get sick!