go with the flow

Today’s Illustration Friday word is “fluid”. I did the oil painting above many years ago and I remember as I approached the canvas that day, I wanted to paint it quickly, without a lot of thought or control. I suppose you could say, I wanted it to be fluid, to come from that part of my brain that doesn’t worry about rules and shoulds, about being good enough, right or wrong. I wanted to surrender to the rhythm of the moment, to allow the smell and feel of the oil paint move with my imagination across the blank, white canvas. And I wanted to stand on that beach myself, a thousand miles from nowhere beneath a dissolving canopy of cerulean blue sky.

“I’ve dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after and changed my ideas: they’ve gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind.” ~Emily Bronte

wednesday notes

Sending out a little love and some groovy music for your midweek coffee break with I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. Jason has a fun website too, click on his name and check it out! Happy Wednesday:)

The key to the mystery of a great artist is that for reasons unknown, he will give away his energies and his life just to make sure that one note follows another… and leaves us with the feeling that something is right in the world. ~Leonard Bernstein

inspire me

I haven’t posted a generator in a while, or a Clooney pic, so here’s two for the price of one! Big Huge Labs has a fun photo generator that let’s you make motivational posters with your own photographs. It’s easy to use and you can link directly to your Flickr or Photobucket stream for fast and easy creations and saving. The quality is good enough that you may want to print them out and tack them up over your desk for inspiration. Click on either of my creations for the link and go have yourself some fun:)

don’t know? don’t worry:)

Dr. Joan Borysenko, a Harvard educated pioneer in integrative medicine discusses “the dark nights of the soul”, that place we sometimes find ourselves during times of transformation and growth. I’m posting it today because it relates to the quote by M. Scott Peck in Wednesday’s post. I haven’t make a conscious decision to blog on this subject, I’m just going with the flow as they say, and for some reason this theme seems to keep popping up lately:)

weekend playdate


If you happen to be a jigsaw puzzle fanatic there are some great websites you may want to visit and bookmark. JigZone has a ton of online puzzles. You choose a picture, like the Vincent van Gogh painting above, select the difficulty level and then left click on the pieces to move them into place. They even have an Auto Solve button for lazy people like me! Click here to work a neat moving puzzle, and at Jigsaw Planet and Photograph Puzzle Maker you can quickly and easily create your own puzzle from a photograph that you upload from your computer. Even if you don’t do puzzles in “real” time, these online puzzle sites are a lot of fun!

There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle. Deepak Chopra