inspire me

I haven’t posted a generator in a while, or a Clooney pic, so here’s two for the price of one! Big Huge Labs has a fun photo generator that let’s you make motivational posters with your own photographs. It’s easy to use and you can link directly to your Flickr or Photobucket stream for fast and easy creations and saving. The quality is good enough that you may want to print them out and tack them up over your desk for inspiration. Click on either of my creations for the link and go have yourself some fun:)

in the news


Clipped this story from the paper today and thought my friends and readers would like to see it. Yes, things are looking up around here for the bookbabie. And it’s about time too isn’t it? I mean, don’t we all think we deserve good things to start happening when we’ve been through a rough spell? Doesn’t The Secret say if we believe it we can manifest it? Whatever, click here if you want to manifest your own fake newspaper article.

illustration friday


A while back I stumbled across the website, Illustration Friday. Each week a new subject is suggested by participants and then you create something that illustrates the topic. You don’t have to be an artist to participate, there are all kinds of submissions and levels of artistic ability and everyone is welcome. I started doing simple collages about a certain someone. I used the weekly challenge as a way to jump start my creative juices which had dried up and withered away under the daily stressors of that thing called life. Check it out sometime, it’s fun to look at the art and just maybe you’ll be inspired to start making your own!

happy birthday george!


George’s 46th birthday is this Sunday. Since I can’t give him a gift, I’d like to give my fellow Clooney fans something. If you click on the photo above you can save a bigger version and use it as a desktop wallpaper. I borrowed the photo from The Clooney Project, tinted his eyes, and then colored the background so it was easier to see my desktop icons. Be forewarned though ladies, it’s awfully hard to get any work done with those dreamy brown eyes staring back at you!

the pick up


Time for another Clooney vs. Pitt poll. First we have Mr. C. looking rather dashing casually perched on the bed of a lucky pick-up truck (photo courtesy of The Clooney Project) and on the right we find poor Mr. Pitt, looking a bit worse for wear since his marriage to Angie. So…which fella would you like to see pull up to the curb in a shiny black truck to pick you up????????????????????????