Illustration Friday:Contagious

This weeks Illustration Friday topic is Contagious. With the whole Swine Flu epidemic in the news so much this past month I couldn’t help but wonder how George was dealing with it. As you can see, he is somewhat concerned. And who can blame him, with his busy schedule he doesn’t have time to get sick!

“breezy” wordless wednesday

The website Illustration Friday gives people a topic every week and you illustrate it using any medium. It’s designed to jump start creativity at any and all skill levels. I started doing it because I was in a long term creative funk and it really helped get those juices flowing again. As my mom got sicker, and I got busier with my iStock photography, I stopped participating. Yesterday I felt like doing something just for fun and did another George collage. I’ve done a whole series about you-know-who on my Tales of George blog. Okay, no more words, this is Wordless Wednesday afterall 🙂

illustration friday


A while back I stumbled across the website, Illustration Friday. Each week a new subject is suggested by participants and then you create something that illustrates the topic. You don’t have to be an artist to participate, there are all kinds of submissions and levels of artistic ability and everyone is welcome. I started doing simple collages about a certain someone. I used the weekly challenge as a way to jump start my creative juices which had dried up and withered away under the daily stressors of that thing called life. Check it out sometime, it’s fun to look at the art and just maybe you’ll be inspired to start making your own!

artful monday


My favorite collage artist, Claudine Hellmuth, is going to be on Martha Stewart’s show on September 12th! This is so huge and exciting for her, appearing on Martha is, as you can imagine, the Holy Grail for crafters and I am so happy for Claudine (she’s such a sweety). I commissioned her to do the above piece for Mr. bookbabie’s birthday this summer and he loved it. Her work is so whimsical and joyful. If you’re going to be home, please be sure to watch the live show (or fire up the DVR so you can watch it later).