friday fun

I haven’t posted any generators for a while and since life can’t be all whine and no play, here’s a few online image gadgets for you to check out. The MP Change website is really wild (Clooney in the afro). You upload a photo (simple straight on portraits work best) and it animates it and then you can add wigs, hats, and facial hair. Unfortunately, you can’t save the actual moving picture, but it’s still a lot of fun! Just click on the pics and go make your own:)

color my world

I love this generator! You choose colors and it mines photos from flickr with those colors and puts them together in a collage. It’s not just fun, but actually useful. Say you are planning to redecorate a room or paint a picture, but aren’t sure about a color scheme, you can use it to help visualize your finished project. Very cool website, check it out here🙂

tuesday tidbits

the-reader-crowned-with-flowersNeed some help picking your next book? Go to this reader generated website, plug in one of your favorite books and get a list of similar books. The painting in this post is by the French painter, Jean-Baptiste-Camille. Looking at his work has gotten me thinking about taking one of the photos I did of Andy and Meagan and painting it. I seem to be “thinking” about going back to painting more and more lately, which is good I suppose, now I just need to put those thoughts into action! I still haven’t quite kicked the flu, it’s been over two weeks and I’m feeling a little frustrated. Luckily, I did a lot of the prep for Meagan’s baby shower earlier this month so I’m not stressing about the fast approaching May 3rd date. Meagan is feeling good and baby Brooklyn is over three pounds now so we are all counting our blessings and waiting for the day we can count her tiny fingers and toes!

mosaic monday


I’ve never made a blessing journal but I’ve decided to make that my spring art project (she says looking out the window forlornly at the freakin’ snow!) and I think I’ll do it in the form of an altered book. If you’ve never seen one, an altered book is when an artist takes a book and turns it into a mixed media work of art. You do this with collage, paints, folding, glue, stamping…etc. There’s a set of altered books on flickr and this artist has a cool portfolio. They are sold in galleries or just used as personal journals or scrapebooks. I’ve never “violated” a book before like this, but I think it will be a good creative exercise for me. Click on the blessings poster if you want to make your own, happy spring, I guess I’ll go shovel the driveway now!

“breezy” wordless wednesday

The website Illustration Friday gives people a topic every week and you illustrate it using any medium. It’s designed to jump start creativity at any and all skill levels. I started doing it because I was in a long term creative funk and it really helped get those juices flowing again. As my mom got sicker, and I got busier with my iStock photography, I stopped participating. Yesterday I felt like doing something just for fun and did another George collage. I’ve done a whole series about you-know-who on my Tales of George blog. Okay, no more words, this is Wordless Wednesday afterall 🙂

robert downey Jr.(again)

I made this on Ultimate Flash Face. This is the kind of thing people do when they are getting over the flu and they’re tired of watching TV (people like me for instance). Does it look like someone we know? Someone who maybe likes to Google himself? We did get one new Google hit the other day that may of been him, Robert Downey Jr and February 2009, so maybe our plan worked, thanks for all the help 🙂

See other Wordless Wednesday participants here…

robert downey Jr.

I was reading the paper this morning and it said that Robert Downey Jr. likes to Google himself, “…I do have that shortcoming. It’s really fun.” So I’m setting up a trap for him, kind of like Ellen did for George Clooney (okay, exactly like Ellen did for George). I made the pics of Mr. Downey Jr. at, a free website with tons of cool templates you can add your own photos to.  So click a bunch on this post and leave a comment too even if you don’t like the guy (but how couldn’t you? he ‘s almost as cute as George) so his Google bot will find us!

P.S. I should be writing right now, I have one week to finish my novel if I want to enter it in the Amazon contest, this post is a total ADD/avoidance/denial/anxiety driven exercise in poor time management..sigh…