Illustration Friday:Contagious

This weeks Illustration Friday topic is Contagious. With the whole Swine Flu epidemic in the news so much this past month I couldn’t help but wonder how George was dealing with it. As you can see, he is somewhat concerned. And who can blame him, with his busy schedule he doesn’t have time to get sick!

best of youtube

I started a YouTube account recently and learned how to take and upload videos, look out Mr. Spielberg, bookbabie is now in the movie business! My first “film” is about our pet squirrel. Well, maybe he’s not exactly a pet, we don’t walk him on a leash or let him sleep at the foot of our bed. But for the moment he does satisfy our need to have a cute, fuzzy little creature around. When our dog died last year we decided to go pet-free for a while so we’d have the freedom to do some traveling. Unfortunately, the economy immediately tanked and we’ve since tightened our belts resulting in vanishing travel itineraries which gives us plenty of time to play with our video camera and risk disease by hand feeding peanuts to overgrown bushy tailed rodents πŸ™‚

Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. ~George Eliot

more robert downey Jr.

On his nomination for best supporting actor for his comedic role in the movie Tropic Thunder: β€œIt’s about time narcissistic, accolade-seeking idiotic actors were formally recognized,” deadpans Downey, speaking from the Brooklyn, New York set of Sherlock Holmes. β€œIt’s been a long, hard road for us.”

See other Wordless Wednesday participants here…

december daydream

faceinhole I’ve been working out lately and I’m rather proud of the results. I mean, not bad for almost fifty, right? Okay whatever, I really just ran across another website that is a complete waste of time (but kinda fun!). I’m thinking about sending this one to George. Roll back the calendar a couple of decades, throw in a few hair weaves, and I may actually be able to pull this look off;)

snark bytes

From Wikipedia: is a free online Ecards service created by Brook Lundy and Duncan Mitchell, and designed by Jerry Tamburro. The content of Someecards is comprised exclusively of parodies of the sentiments found in the traditional Hallmark greeting card, and often features content that could be considered cruel or offensive if taken seriously. Someecard’s deadpan humor has drawn approval from those for whom traditional greeting and Ecards do not appeal, especially younger urban audiences.

I’m not younger (unless you’re comparing me with my husband, or my brother, or most of my girlfriends, or Dennis my blogger friend in Texas) and I’m not urban either (more like suburban-ex-urbanite who wouldn’t mind a few acres in the country to build my “green” house on someday) but I still get a kick out of the Ecards on that website. Just make sure you only send them to people who can appreciate a very dry, very snarky sense of humor!

“What makes you think the whole world revolves around you?!” my mother said, as I slowly rotated to maintain eye contact. ~John Alejandro King

sunday smiles

Time to lighten things up around here and what better way to do that than with another joy filled laughing baby video. Come September I may be posting a baby video of my very own as my son and his wife are expecting their first child. We are thrilled, grateful, and just plain happy about the prospect of becoming grandparents. The baby is due the week before my 49th birthday and I’m thinking that this is one birthday gift Mr. bookbabie will never be able to top!

When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. ~James Barrie