wednesday wish

clematissmall2I was listening to the Mumford & Son’s song the other day Ghosts That We Knew and at one point I heard the line, “…you saw no fault no cracks in my heart, and you knelt beside my hope torn apart.” For some reason those words really touched me. They seemed to sum up in such a visually poignant way what we all want and need from the people closest to us; our partners and parents, our children and siblings, those we call our friends. We want to know that someone will look beyond our failings and still love us, will look past the cracks and still love us, will kneel beside our brokenness and still love us when we need them most.

I’m lucky to have my husband Doug beside me still as we celebrate 34 years of marriage this week and that is my Wednesday wish for you–that you know the joy and blessing of a love that is quiet and kind and constant.

See more (nearly) Wordless Wednesday here.

10 thousand days: part II

We had a wonderful dinner with the kids last night with some great conversation, a little reminiscing and a few laughs, and then we dragged our poor daughter over to the little historical village where we were married thirty years ago and she took some anniversary pictures for us. It was the perfect evening (although it would have been even better if our daughter-in-law had made us grandparents!). We appreciate you hanging with your old parents last night Andy, Meagan, and Lizzi, you guys are the best and brightest accomplishments of our marriage, and thanks again for putting up with the hot humid night and following us around to take the pics last night Liz, they came out great! (click on the collage to see it larger)

A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity.  The order varies for any given year. ~Paul Sweeney

be mine


I know, I know, that picture is totally tacky, maybe even a little juvenile (okay, definitely juvenile) but I don’t care because it was fun to make! That’s me and my hubby last March on the beach in Carlsbad, California. We haven’t been on vacation since and we are getting the bug to bug out of Michigan once more. It snowed again yesterday, five more inches on top of a layer of slick ice, poor Mr. bookbabie slipped twice while snowblowing the driveway. It’s been a tough winter around here. This will be one of those springs where the entire state will wander outdoors on the first bright fifty-degree day without any coats on. We’ll all be grinning like fools as we tip our pale faces up toward the sun, our molelike eyes barely able to open against the glare, our hearts grateful to be putting another winter behind us (overwritten, but oh so true!). Today however, I am simply grateful for my partner. We’ve been through a lot together. You can’t be married for nearly thirty years without sharing a bucketful of joy and a few tears too. Happy Valentine’s Day my love!

If you and your sweetie have a stash of old love letters, my blogging buddy Bev can bind them into a handmade book for you, très romantique! She has a storefront on Etsy, a fabulous online place to shop for handmade gifts. Check out Bev’s store here.