dolphin love

IMG_6844blogJust got back from two lovely weeks in Florida. Two weeks away from the frigid Michigan weather, work pressures, bill paying, and the general responsibilities and stresses of daily life. It was a much needed breather for me and Mr. Bookbabie. The highlight of the trip was a ride on The Sanibel Thriller, a boat that tours the islands and attracts dolphins who love to play in it’s huge wake. Watching dolphins leap over the waves and zig-zag beneath the walls of rolling water trailing the boat was very healing as I continue to deal with the ups and downs of health problems. Their joy in the moment was so pure and so free, check it out if you’re ever on Sanibel Island!

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

See more (nearly) Wordless Wednesday here.

14 thoughts on “dolphin love

  1. That is a wonderful picture! So glad you got away for a little warmth. I bet you are wishing you were back there right now! Brrrrrrrr. Someday you should come visit the California dolphins — they really are amazing to watch. Sitting on the beach watching them isn’t bad either! Stay warm!

  2. Hi Lilli, It’s GREAT that I have caught up with you. I think of you often and wonder how you are doing. Sorry to hear about the Diabetes.. BUT–your trip sounded wonderful. We just got home from a tremendous week in Arkansas (hiking/sunrise/sunsets/ cabin on the mountain with a view/ etc.) with good friends. Life is Good!!!!

    Hugs and Prayers for your health,

    • Thanks Betsy, glad you are well and out and about taking pics and vacationing! My diabetes is mild by most standards so it’s ok, just trying to figure out what I need to do to feel my best:)

  3. That photo is stunning! There is something indescribably delightful about a trip to Florida in the middle of a long, cold, snowy. northern winter.

    I read the blurb for The Wonder of Ordinary Magic, and also read the Amazon reviews. It looks good.I just bought it. Looking forward to it! Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂

  4. That’s a stupendous shot!!! I swam with the dolphins many years ago while visiting Key West. One of the top 10 experiences of my life. Such wonderful animals.

    I’m so jealous of your trip- I’m dealing with the never-ending winter here as well… in chilly Chicago. My daughter’s friend is even throwing a Spring party at the end of this month- in hopes we can actually celebrate some warmth!

    Sure hope there is reason to celebrate by then! So ready for spring

  5. Our family often takes Christmas trips together in lieu of presents, but often we end up in places that, while warmer than Chicago, are not quite as warm as we would like. Tell the truth, I have never been to Florida. I’d like to go, but I also have this image in my head of a place that is overly developed and crowded. Am I wrong to think that?

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